
Planned and Extraordinary Maintenance

As provided by applicable law, it is the duty of all users of the lifting equipments to perform periodic preventive maintenance.

BONFANTI organized within its structure a system of qualified service, to help you keep your lifting equipments in optimal conditions.

The resources dedicated to the preventive maintenance service are coordinated and perfectly integrated into the company.

BONFANTI maintenance expert

BONFANTI offers four types of contract designed for preventive maintenance of the lifting equipments.

The contracts have been developed and perfected over the years and are divided into:


You will be able to choose the most suitable contract in compliance with the regulations in force thanks to BONFANTI personal advisory.

BONFANTI lifting equipment plant

Maintenance abroad

Maintenance abroad is reserved for customers with BONFANTI systems, which can be automatic, semi-automatic, warehouses and/or complete handling and packaging lines. The systems are maintained and inspected in accordance with the maintenance plan of the systems themselves and thanks to the close contact with the user's technical staff, extraordinary maintenance activities can be planned.


BONFANTI Customer Support Service

The large structure dedicated to technical assistance and the CSS (Customer Support Service) application, at the service of customers and technicians, offer flexibility and punctuality of intervention, according to the needs of the customer in full compliance with the relevant laws. The importance of preventive and predictive maintenance chosen by our customers is aimed at minimizing the extraordinary corrective interventions.

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