plastic film

JR Area

BONFANTI has developed specific solutions and equipment for the optimization of the whole logistic process dedicated to the Jumbo Rolls production

All solutions are completely engineered, so to enable operations through functional processes that ensure maximum safety thanks to handling systems specially developed to guarantee that rolls are securely clamped and that their handling is always guided, thus completely eliminating any issues related to load oscillation

BONFANTI solutions allow:

  • The winder setup (loading, offloading) of film extrusion line
  • The Jumbo Rolls weighing and labeling
  • The Jumbo Rolls and empty cores storage
  • The feeding of scrap rolls materials to the grinder
  • The primary slitter setup (loading, offloading) 

The advantages:

High safety standards


  • BONFANTI solutions guarantee a high level of safety through protocols and certified control devices for the automatic execution of the operating cycles
  • Safety is guaranteed by spaces optimizatoin and by eliminating the use of manpower for the execution of operating cycles


Reduction of machine downtime

  • Reduction of machine downtime caused by potential collisions between the handled material and the production equipment (downtime that causes extra maintenance costs)
  • Reduction of machine downtime due to incorrect handling operations (production losses)
  • Dynamic management of  production process buffers

Minimization and certification of cycle times

  • Complete automatic handling
  • High handling speeds
  • Reduction of cycle times through handling tweens interpolation of movements and management of accelerations / decelerations
  • Optimizing management of handling activities is essential to avoid wasting time, damage and unnecessary handling (i.e. saving on labor, space, handling times). Handling activities management optimization is essential to avoid  time losses, damages  and unnecessary handling (i.e. saving on labor, on space, on handling times)

Guarantee of the quality on the final product

  • The product quality is the landmark on which the BONFANTI solutions are designed; everything is engineered with the scope to avoiding collision, damages and degradation caused by handling operations
  • Rolls storing "free contact" thus avoiding the deterioration of the film with other surfaces / materials.
  • Detection of the real net weight of the FILM of each roll obtained thanks to certified weighing systems.
  • Elimination of rolls collisions with other materials and / or equipment

Optimization of the personnel assigned to handling operations

Reduction / elimination of personnel assigned to handling operations as all BONFANTI systems can be designed to operate without the presence of any operator (system in Automatic mode) or by activating assisted positioning logics for controlled use by a single operator (with system in Semi-Automatic or Manual mode).

Complete production tracking

Complete production tracking through automation systems dedicated to handling and storage management.

Production decoupling

Activated by means of temporary storage and buffers, it allows the production phases to independently work  in the event of slowdowns or breakdowns.

Simplicity and strength

The BONFANTI equipment is designed according to the logic of operational continuity. The fundamental element is to assure the operation over time; this is achieved through mechanically sturdy solutions and with simple and proven control systems.

Efficiency and innovation

  • The BONFANTI equipment is designed according to the logic of operational continuity. The fundamental element is to assure the operation over time; this is achieved through mechanically sturdy solutions and with simple and proven control systems
  • To optimize productivity levels, BONFANTI has developed a range of products able to satisfy complex operational requirements with an increase of the  missions aimed to reduce the downtime. The systems are designed to meet the specific requirements of extremely heavy handling while preserving safety, reliability and very high performance levels
  • The systems are designed to meet the specific requirements of extremely heavy handling while preserving safety, reliability and very high performance levels
  • The range of products allows the managing of the whole handling of the production process up to the phases dedicated to storage and shipping areas. Since each type of application has its own peculiarities, requiring specifically designed solutions, BONFANTI has customized and diversified the solutions according to the areas of the production process
  • With the aim of a continuous improvement, the designed solutions are constantly updated to make them suitable for the interfacing with production equipment
  • The design basis of the systems requires the utmost care in the standardization of the mechanical and electrical parts in order to make the procurement of spare parts convenient



  • In a framework of continuous technological and organizational evolution, automation represents the essential landmark on which BONFANTI systems are designed
  • BONFANTI specializes in the study of fully automatic customized solutions, dedicated to interfacing with the operational logic of production equipment
  • The technological level of automatic solutions is guaranteed through the design and the supply of systems whose higher precision in handling, reduced wear of components, increased productivity and operational reliability and a higher functional safety are landmark of a company philosophy aimed at satisfying any specific customer requirements
  • Automation does not only involve the execution of handling and storage activities but it also includes their control and management as well as their integration in the company’s global production organization.  BONFANTI has developed a complete Suite that supports the production planning and the management of subsequent phases through dedicated software packages, optimizing the entire production flow up to the shipment of finished products

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